Portfolio Assessment Credit
What Is Portfolio Assessment Credit?
A portfolio is a collection of information gathered by the student and presented in an organized format to demonstrate the practical learning that has occurred. A portfolio can include: documentation such as certificates of training, work samples, awards and honors, job description, performance evaluations, samples of artwork, evidence of self-directed learning, and resumes.
How Can I Earn Portfolio Assessment Credit?
Each course for which portfolio credit is requested must be in the system curriculum and must be a part of the student's certificate or degree requirements.
If you are interested in pursuing a portfolio for credit, you should follow the steps below:
- Complete the Self-Assessment to determine where prior learning competencies might exist
- Consult with your academic advisor. Examine the course offerings in the [KCTCS catalog] for your potential portfolio. In consultation with your advisor, determine how portfolio credit may fit within degree requirements.
- Once you and your advisor have agreed to proceed, request that the advisor, or the assigned faculty member, signs the Application for Assessment and Authenticity Statement and pay the non-refundable portfolio fee to the college Business Office.
- Work with the faculty to prepare your portfolio using the format provided in the Student Portfolio Development Handbook then submit the completed portfolio and Credit Request Portfolio Assessment form to your assigned faculty member for review.
- The portfolio will be evaluated by the faculty or a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to determine if the student has provided sufficient documentation to demonstrate the required learning outcomes and/or met the competencies of the course.
A portfolio course designed to help the student with the portfolio process may be offered by a college, but it should not be assumed that completion of the portfolio course guarantees credit being awarded.
Is There a Cost for Portfolio Assessment Credit?
Yes. A non-refundable fee per 3-credit course is payable to the college, and the fee will be paid by student. Please see your college Business Office for the current fee and deadline for payment.