Industry Credentials and Licensures

What Are Industry Credentials and Licensures?

Industry Certifications

Industry certification is a credential recognized by business and industry at the local, state, or national level. It could be an assessment, examination, or license administered and acknowledged by an industry third-party or governing board.

Professional Licensures

Licensure is a means by which "permission to practice" is regulated and is a qualification required by law. Professional licensure protects the public by enforcing standards that restrict practice to individuals who have met specific qualifications in education, work experience, or exams.

Possible program areas for industry certification and licensures can include:

Automotive Technology Human Services Practical Nursing
Computer and Information Technology Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Professional Secretary
Criminal Justice Marine Technology Radiography
Culinary Arts Nursing Respiratory Care
Diesel Technology Paraeducation  
Electrical Technology Paramedicine  

How Can I Earn Certification or Licensure Credit?

KCTCS accepts credit for licensure, registries, industry exams, or industry certifications as approved by the KCTCS Curriculum Committees and Faculty Senate.

See the industry certifications and professional licensures chart below that shows those currently accepted at KCTCS and the maximum credit that can be awarded for each. Requirements for awarding prior learning credit through industry-based credentials vary by discipline, and you should be aware of the particular requirements for your program area. Please speak with your advisor about the options available.

Is There a Cost for Certification or Licensure Credit?

Industry certifications and professional licensures are associated with various fees, which are the student's responsibility. Check with either the testing center or licensing agency for an explanation of those fees. However, there is no fee for awarding that credit at KCTCS.

Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Certified Professional Secretary and Administrative Professional Exam CPS/CPA Part 1 - Office System and Technology: Computer Concepts OST 105 - Introduction to
Information Systemes                                                                                                      
3 credit hours
CPS/CPA Part 1 - Office System and Technology: Computer Information System OST 240 –Software Integration 3 credit hours
CPS/CPA Part II - Office Administration: Business Communications OST 235 Business Communications 3 credit hours
CPS/CPA Part II - Office Administration: Records Management OST 160 Records and Database Management 3 credit hours
CPS/CPA Part III - Management: Accounting ACT 101 –Fundamentals of Accounting 3 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) ASE Exam (A1) - Engine Repair (Entry or Professional Level) ADX 150 Engine Repair
ADX 151 Engine Repair
5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A2) - Automatic Transmission/Transaxle AUT-180 Automatic
and AUT-181 Automatic
Transmissions/Transaxles Lab
5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A3) - Manual Drive Train and Axles AUT-130 Manual Transmissions and AUT-131 Manual Transmissions Lab 5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A4) - Suspension and Steering AUT-160 Suspension and Steering and AUT-161 Suspension and Steering Lab 5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A5) Brakes AUT-110 Brake Systems and AUT-111 Brake Systems Lab 5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A6) Electrical/Electronic Systems ADX-120 Basic Automotive Electricity; ADX-121 Basic Automotive Electricity Lab; ADX-260 Electrical Systems; and ADX-261 Electrical Systems Lab 10 credit hours
ASE Exam (A7) - Heating and Air Conditioning ADX-170 Climate Control and ADX-171 Climate Control Lab 4 credit hours
  ASE Exam (A8) - Engine Performance AUT-140 Basic Fuel and Ignition Systems; AUT-141 Basic Fuel and Ignition Systems Lab; AUT-142 Emission Systems; AUT-143 Emission Systems Lab; AUT-240 Computer Control Systems and Diagnosis; and AUT-241 Computer Control Systems and Diagnosis Lab 15 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Federal Aviation Administration FAA Airframe Mechanic License with Airframe Mechanic Rating * completion of AMT 299
Aviation Maintenance Technology Refresher must
be completed first ATE 100 Aviation Math
ATE 102 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance I
ATE 104 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance II
ATE 106 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance III
ATE 108 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance IV
ATE 202 Aircraft Structures I
ATE 204 Aircraft Structures II
ATE 206 Aircraft Structures III
ATE 208 Aircraft Structures IV
ATE 222 Aircraft Systems I
ATE 224 Aircraft Systems II
ATE 226 Aircraft Systems III
ATE 228 Aircraft Systems IV
37 credit hours
FAA Aircraft Mechanic Licensure with both Powerplant Mechanic and Airframe Mechanics AMT 299 Aviation
Maintenance Technology
Refresher must be
completed first                                                                                                                            ATE 100 Aviation Math
ATE 102 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance I
ATE 104 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance II
ATE 106 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance III
ATE 108 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance IV
ATE 202 Aircraft Structures I                                                                                                      ATE 204 Aircraft Structures II                                                                                                        ATE 206 Aircraft Structures III                                                                                                        ATE 208 Aircraft Structures IV                                                                                                                                                 ATE 222 Aircraft Systems I                                                                                                            ATE 224 Aircraft Systems II                                                                                                            ATE 226 Aircraft Systems III                                                                                                            ATE 228  Aircraft Systems IV
ATE 242 Aircraft
Powerplants I
ATE 244 Aircraft
Powerplants II
ATE 246 Aircraft
Powerplants III
ATE 248 Aircraft
Powerplants IV
ATE 252 Aircraft
Powerplant Systems I
ATE 254 Aircraft
Powerplant Systems II
ATE 256 Aircraft
Powerplant Systems III
ATE 258 Aircraft
Powerplant Systems IV
61 credit hours
FAA Aircraft Mechanic License with Powerplant Mechanic Rating AMT 299 Aviation
Maintenance Technology
Refresher must be
completed first                                                                                                                            ATE 100 Aviation Math
ATE 102 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance I
ATE 104 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance II
ATE 106 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance III
ATE 108 Introduction to
Aircraft Maintenance IV
ATE 242 Aircraft Powerplants I
ATE 244 Aircraft Powerplants II
ATE 246 Aircraft Powerplants III
ATE 248 Aircraft Powerplants IV
ATE 252 Aircraft Powerplant Systems I
ATE 254 Aircraft Powerplant Systems II
ATE 256 Aircraft Powerplant Systems III
ATE 258 Aircraft Powerplant Systems IV
37 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
COMP TIA Comp TIA A+ CIT 111 Hardware/Software 4 credit hours
Comp TIA Linux+ CIT 217 UNIX/Linux Administration 3 credit hours
Comp TIA Network+ CIT 160 Intro to
Networking Concepts
(This cannot be used as a
prerequisite for CIT 167)
4 credit hours
Comp-TIA Security+ CIT 180 Intro to Security 3 credit hours
CISCO CCNA CIT 161 Introduction to
CIT 167 Switching &
Routing Essentials
CIT 212 Connecting and
Scaling Networks
12 credit hours
Microsoft Certiport MOS: Word,
Excel, Access,
CIT 130 Productivity
3 credit hours
Amazon Web Services AWS Cloud Architect Associate CIT 207 AWS Cloud
3 credit hours
AWS Cloud Practitioner CIT 206 AWS Cloud
3 credit hours
AWS Systems Operation Associate CIT 208 AWS Systems
3 credit hours
Linux Linux Professional
Institute Level 1
CIT 217 UNIX/Linux Administration 3 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
KY State Board of
Hairdressers and Cosmetologists
Licensure Exam
(option 1)
fourteen (14) credit hours for COS 114 Cosmetology I
fourteen (14) credit hours for COS 116 Cosmetology
fourteen (14) credit hours for COS 212 Cosmetology III
six (6) credit hours for COS 220 Cosmetology IV
48 credit hours
Licensure Exam
(option 2)
twelve (12) credit hours for COS 108 and COS 109 Cosmetology I
twelve (12) credit hours for COS 118 and COS 119 Cosmetology II                twelve (12) credit hours for COS 228 and COS 229 Cosmetology III           twelve (12) credit hours for COS 238 and COS 239 Cos IV
48 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
American National
Standards Institute (ANSI)
Food Protection
Manager Certification
CUL-125 Sanitation and Safety 2 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Council for Professional Recognition Child Development
Associate (CDA)
IEC 101 Orientation to
Early Childhood Education
IEC 102 Foundations of
Early Childhood Education                                                                                                                  
6 credit hours
Military School Age
IEC 101 Orientation to
Early Childhood Education
IEC 102 Foundation of
Early Childhood Education
IEC 250 School Age Child
9 credit hours
State of Kentucky - Division of Child Care Kentucky Commonwealth Child
Care Credential
IEC 101 Orientation to
Early Childhood Education
3 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE ASE Exam (A1) -
Engine Repair
ADX 150 Engine Repair
ADX 151 Engine Repair
DIT 110 Intro to Diesel
DIT 111 Intro to Diesel
Engines Lab
5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A2) -
ADX-150 Engine Repair (3)
and ADX-151 Engine
Repair Lab (2)
DIT 110 Intro to Diesel
Engines (3)
DIT 111 Intro to Diesel
Engines Lab (2)
Five credit hours for:
DIT 112 Diesel Engines (3)
and DIT 113 Diesel Engines
Lab (2)
10 credit hours
ASE Exam (A3) -
Manual Drive Train and
DIT 150 Power Trains
DIT 151 Power Trains Lab 
5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A4) -
Suspension and
DIT 180 Brakes
DIT 181 Brakes Lab
5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A5) Brakes DIT 160 Steering and
DIT 161 Steering and
Suspension Lab
5 credit hours
ASE Exam (A6)

ADX120 Basic Automotive
Electricity (3) & ADX121 Lab (2)
BEX100 Basic Electricity for Non-Majors (3) &
BEX101 Lab (2);
ADX260 Electrical Systems (3) & ADX261 Lab (2)
DIT190 Electrical Systems for Diesel (3) & DIT191 Lab (2)

10 credit hours
ASE Exam (A7) -
Heating and Air

ADX-170 Climate Control
ADX-171 Climate Control Lab

4 credit hours
ASE Exam (A8) -
Engine Performance
DIT 103 Preventive
3 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
International Fire
Service Accreditation
Congress (IFSAC) or
Pro-Board Firefighter I
(NFPA 1001)
Firefighter I (NFPA 1001)
FIR 1011 Organization
& Safety
FIR 1012 Intro to
Building Construction
FIR 1013 Fire Dynamics
FIR 1014 Fire
FIR1015 Ladders
Fir 101 Basic Firefighting I 3 credit hours
Firefighter I (NFPA 1001) 
Protective Equipment
FIR1023 Ropes &
FIR1022 Fire Hose
FIR 102 Basic Firefighting II 3 credit hours
Firefighter I (NFPA 1001)
FIR1032 Structural
Search & Rescue
FIR1033 Tactical
FIR1034 Loss Control
FIR1035 Origin &
Cause Determination
FIR 103 Basic Firefighting III 3 credit hours
Firefighter I (NFPA 1001)
FIR1071 First Aid
FIR1073 Bloodborne
FIR 107 Intro to Rescue &
Patient Care
3 credit hours
Firefighter I (NFPA 1001)
FIR1042 Hose
Operations & Fire
FIR1043 Community
Risk Reduction
FIR1044 Incident Scene
FIR 104 Basic Firefighting IV 3 credit hours
International Fire
Service Accreditation
Congress (IFSAC)
Firefighter II (NFPA 1001)
Firefighter II (NFPA 1001)
FIR1051 Basic Fire
FIR1052 Advanced Fire
FIR 105 Fire Suppression 3 credit hours
Firefighter II (NFPA 1001)
FIR1074 Intro to
Rescue & Extrication
FIR 107 Intro to Rescue & Patient Care 3 credit hours
International Fire
Service Accreditation
Congress (IFSAC) or
Pro-Board certification
Airport Firefighter
(NFPA 1003)
FIR 210 Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (Elective) 3 credit hours
Driver/Operator –
Pumper (NFPA 1002)
FIR 212 Driver/Operator -
Pumper (Elective)
3 credit hours
Driver/Operator –
Aerial (NFPA 1002)
FIR 213 Driver/Operator -
Aerial (Elective)
3 credit hours
Hazardous Materials
Technician (NFPA 1072)
FIR 240 Fire Inspector I 3 credit hours
International Fire
Service Accreditation
Congress (IFSAC) or
Pro-Board Fire
Instructor I (NFPA 1041)
or Fire Instructor
II (NFPA 1041)
Fire Instructor I (NFPA
FIR 202 Fire Instructor I
3 credit hours
Fire Instructor II
(NFPA 1041)
FIR203 Fire Instructor II
3 credit hours
International Fire
Service Accreditation
Congress (IFSAC)
Hazardous Materials
Awareness and/or
Hazardous Materials
Operations certificates
Hazardous Materials Awareness
(NFPA 1072)
FIR1061 Hazardous
Materials Awareness
FIR1062 Hazardous
Materials Operations
FIR 106 Intro to Special
3 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Manufacturing Skills
Standards Council
Certified Logistics
Associate (CLA) and
Certified Logistics
Technician (CLT)
LOM 100 Introduction to Logistics Management. 3 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Merchant Marine
Credential (MMC)
Designated Duty
Engineer or Higher
MRN 100 Intro to Marine
MRN 101 Anatomy of a
MRN 204 Marine Electrical
MRN 206 Marine Diesel
MRN 212 Marine Fluid
MRN 214 Marine
Refrigeration Systems
25 credit hours
Merchant Mariner
Credential (MMC)
Apprentice Mate
(Steersman) of Towing
or any
higher level (Limited,
Rivers, Unlimited, or
Near Coastal)
MRN 100 - Intro to Marine
MRN 101 - Anatomy of a
MRN 200 - Shipboard Deck Operations
MRN 201 - Rules of the
MRN 202 - Piloting and
MRN 208 - Inland River
18 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
Kentucky Board of
National Council
Licensure Examination
First semester nursing
course in a KCTCS
associate degree nursing
program. Please see
Program Coordinator for
National Council
Licensure Examination
– PN (NCLEX-PN) and
successfully completes
Bridge Course

the student will be
admitted to NSG 236
NSG 106 Nursing One
NSG 196 Nursing LPN
Bridge Course
NSG 206 Nursing Two

18 credit hours
National Council
Licensure Examination
– PN (NCLEX-PN) and
successfully completes
NSG 195 Transition to
A.D.N Bridge Course
the student will be
admitted to NSG 229
NSG 101 Nursing Practice I
NSG 195 Accelerated
Transition: PN-A.D.N Bridge
NSG 219 Medical Surgical Nursing I
16 credit hours
National Council
Licensure Examination
and successfully completes
NSG 199
Transition PN-A.D.N
Bridge Course
the student will be
admitted to NSG 229
NSG 101 Nursing PracticeI I
NSG 199  Accelerated
Transition: PN-A.D.N
NSG 219 Medical Surgical
Nursing I
16 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
National Registry Examination EMT-P EMS 200 Introduction to
EMS 210 Emergency
EMS 211 Fundamentals Lab
EMS 215 Clinical
Experience I
EMS 220 Cardiovascular
EMS 221 Cardiac and
Trauma  Lab
EMS 225 Clinical
Experience II
EMS 230 Traumatic
EMS 231 Medical Lab
EMS 235 Clinical
experience III
EMS 240 Medical
Emergencies I
EMS 250 Medical
Emergencies II
EMS 260 Special Populations
EMS 270 EMS Operations
EMS 275 Advanced Life
Support (ALS)
EMS 285 Field Internship &
Summation. (5-6 credits)
38 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
American Registry of
Radiologic Technologist  (ARRT)
ARRT Registration
Option 1Registration
in Radiography [R.T.(R)
IMG100 Radiography 1
IMG101 Clinical I
IMG 110 Radiography II
IMG 111 Clinical II
IMG 201 Radiography III
IMG 210 Radiography IV
IMG 211Clinical IV
IMG 220 Radiography V
IMG 221 Clinical V
45 credit hours
ARRT Registration
Option 2 Registration
in Radiography [R.T.(R)
IMG104 Introduction to
IMG106 Patient Care in
IMG108 Radiographic
Procedures I4
IMG109 Clinical Practice II
IMG114 Image Production
& Acquisition2
IMG116 Advanced Patient
Care in Radiography2
IMG118 Radiographic Procedures II
IMG119 Clinical Practice II3
IMG209 Clinical Practice
IMG214 Imaging
IMG216 Basic Computed
IMG219 Clinical Practice
IMG224 Radiation
Protection & Biology2
IMG226 Radiography
IMG228 Radiography Seminar
IMG229 Clinical Practice V
43 credit hours
AART Registration
Option 3 Registration
in Radiography [R.T.(R)
DMI 102 Medical
Terminology for
Radiography 1
DMI 106 Patient Care and
Ethics for Radiographers
DMI 108 Radiographic
Positioning & Procedures I
DMI 110 Radiography
Practicum I
DMI 112 Principles of X-
ray Production, Exposure,
and Image Production
DMI 115 Pharmacology for
DMI 118 Radiographic
Positioning and Procedures
DMI 120 Radiography
Practicum II
DMI 128 Radiographic
Positioning and Procedures
DMI 130 Radiography
Practicum III
DMI 212 Radiographic
Equipment and Quality
DMI 220 Radiography
Practicum IV
DMI 222 Image Analysis
DMI 224 Radiation
Protection and Biology for Radiographers
DMI 226 Radiographic
Anatomy & Pathology
DMI 228 Seminars in
DMI 230 Radiography
Practicum V
46 credit hours
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
National Board of Respiratory Care NBRC Examination RCP 110 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology
RCP 120 Theory and Principles of Respiratory Care
RCP 125 Basic Cardiopulmonary Evaluation4
RCP 130 Pharmacology
RCP 150 Clinical Practice I
RCP 175 Clinical Practice II
RCP 180 Ventilatory Support
RCP 190 Advanced Ventilatory Support
RCP 200 Clinical Practice III
RCP 210 Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology
RCP 212 Neonatal / Pediatric Respiratory Care
RCP 225 Clinical Practice IV
RCP 228 Preventive and Long Term Respiratory Care1 *RCP 204Special Procedures I
37 credit hours
39 credit hours
*Credit for
RCP 204 will
be awarded
to the
on of
ication for
Cardiac Life
Life Support
(PALS) and
Resuscitation Procedures
Awarding Body Industry Credential, Registry, Licensure, or Certification Course Equivalencies Credits Awarded
American Welding
AWS Sense Level 1
Module 3 - Drawing
and Welding Symbol
WLD 170 Blueprint
Reading for Welding
2 credit hours
AWS SL1 Module 4
(Sense Level 1 Exam) –
Shielded Metal Arc
WLD 120 Shielded Metal
Arc Welding
2 credit hours
AWS SL1 Module 5
(Sense Level 1 Exam) –
Gas Metal Arc Welding
WLD 140 Gas Metal Arc
2 credit hours
AWS SL1 Module 6
(Sense Level 1 Exam) –
Flux Cored Arc welding
WLD 140 Gas Metal Arc
2 credit hours
  AWS SL1 Module 7
(Sense Level 1 Exam) –
Gas Tungsten Arc
WLD 130 Gas Tungsten Arc
2 credit hours
  AWS SL1 Module 8
(Sense Level 1 Exam) -
Thermal Cutting
Processes (Have to
complete all three cutting processes –
Oxifuel, Plasma, and
Aircarbon Arc)
WLD 110 Cutting
2 credit hours
Kentucky DOT 3F (Fillet) or 4F KY
WLD 121 Shielded Metal
Arc Welding Fillet Lab
3 credit hours
  3G Flux Cored and 4G
KY DOT certification
WLD 141 Gas Metal Arc Welding Fillet Lab
WLD 143 Gas Metal Arc Welding Groove Lab
WLD 147 Flux Cored Arc Welding Lab
7 credit hours
  3G Shielded Metal Arc
Welding or 4G KY
DOT certification
WLD 121 Shielded Metal
Arc Welding Fillet Lab
WLD 123 Shielded Metal
Arc Welding Groove with
Backing Lab
6 credit hours
  3G Flux Cored or 4G
KY DOT certification
WLD 141 Gas Metal Arc
Welding Fillet Lab
WLD 147 Flux Cored Arc WeldingLab
4 credit hours

How Much Prior Learning Credit Can I Use?

KCTCS allows credit earned through prior learning to be applied toward a KCTCS credential. Whether you're seeking a certificate, diploma, or degree, at least 25% of the total credit hours required for that credential must be completed at the KCTCS college awarding the credential. Credit for prior learning is not counted toward the 25% residency requirement.