Student Accessibility Resource Guide
This resource guide provides an overview of campus and local resources, as well as assistive technology that may be available to help you succeed. If you need assistance, this resource guide will point you in the right direction. Whether you need access to campus or local recourses, help using assistive technologies, or assistance with Blackboard, Microsoft, Apple, or Publisher applications.
Accessibility/Disability Services
Assistance and accommodations for students with disabilities.
Pre-Employment Transition Services for Students (Pre-ETS)
- For students with disabilities age 14-21.
- Job Exploration, Post-secondary Education, Workplace Readiness, Work-Based Learning, Self-Advocacy
- See the KCTCS Pre-ETS video.
START Center
One-stop center for student services.
Success Coaches
Identify and achieve educational, professional, and personal goals.
Test Centers
Assessment and instructional testing
TRIO - Student Support Services
Academic and personal support for students with disabilities, those who are first generation college students, or individuals who are income eligible.
Course-specific tutoring
Vocational Rehabilitation
Disability Testing, Assistive Technologies, Education/Career Exploration
Assistive Technologies
Here is a list of some commonly used assistive technologies. (Your college or local resources will not have all the resources listed.)
- National Library for the Blind
- Talking Calculators
- Apple's Zoom
- Magna Sight
- Magnifier (Microsoft)
- Specialized microscopes
- Roger Pen Support
- Printed text for e-Textbooks
- VictorReader Support
- Apple's VoiceOver
- JAWS Support
- Kurzwell 1000/2000 Support
- Microsoft Narrator
- Read Aloud
- Read&Write Support
- Speak It
- Apple's Dictate
- Dragon Naturally Speaking Support
- Microsoft's Dictation
- Otter.ai Help
- Cengage Accessibility - accessibility@cengage.com
- Elsevier Accessibility - accessibility@elsevier.com
- Hawkes Learning Accessibility - accessibility@hawkeslearning.com
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Accessibility - techsupport@hmhco.com
- Knewton Accessibility
- Macmillan Accessibility - webaccessibility@macmillan.com
- McGraw-Hill Accessibility - accessibility@mheducation.com
- Pearson Accessibility - disability.support@pearson.com
- VitalSource Accessibility - accessibility@vitalsource.com
- W.W. Norton Accessibility
- Wiley Accessibility - accessibility@wiley.com