Get the KCTCS app for your mobile phone or tablet. Your information on the go.
Have everything you need – all in one place – with the KCTCS app.
As soon as you have completed your admissions application and have your KCTCS username and password from the User Account Center, be sure to
- Select your Home College and
- LOG IN with your KCTCS username@kctcs.edu and password
Now, you can:
- Customize your Home tab with want you want to see with Favorites, Schedule, and Due Dates.
- Connect to applications, services, and information. e.g. Blackboard, Student Self-service,
My Path, Student Services, Library and more…on the Campus Guide.
- Connect with your college Community. Make friends. Join a channel that focuses on your activities or interests. Ask
a question and get answers from other students who have been there, done that, as
well as from faculty and staff who are ready to help you when you need it most!
- View and Opt-in / Opt-out to the timely Notifications that you want to see from your classes, friends, and support team.
- Add a Profile picture. Add and message Friends, View your Class Announcements, Assignments, Grades, Class Roster and Course Information and view and reply to Discussions - from Blackboard and Student Self-Service - all in My Courses.