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Handshake for Employers

student sitting at computer

Hire Our Students!

More than 6,000 Kentucky employers already use Handshake and recruit post-secondary talent. Promote your employment and work-based learning opportunities such as internships, co-ops experiences, and more.

Sign-Up as an Employer


Share your employment and work-based learning opportunities such as internships, co-op experiences, and more with thousands of KCTCS students.


Foster engagement with our students and alumni.

  • Develop: Provide meaningful work-and-learn experiences to attract students to your industry and develop their skills in real-world environments.
  • Recruit: Find and hire qualified, diverse talent.

Create an employer user account

To Create an employer user account with Handshake please, see the link below, this link will give you step-by-step instructions for setting up your account and connecting with colleges.

Create an Employer User Account

(There are additional resources at the bottom of this webpage that may also be helpful)

When getting to the ‘Connect with Schools’ step of the sign-up process, search the local KCTCS college branch in your area to connect directly with students at the college. Feel free to connect with other KCTCS colleges that may be within your region or where you may have other company branches

Let us know if you have any questions or if there is any other information we can provide!

College Contact Information

Handshake Employer Instructions, etc.