Transfer Contacts are specific people on campus dedicated to make your transfer as smooth as possible. Get in touch with a Transfer contact at your nearest KCTCS college, or a Transfer contact at a four-year college/university to help with the transfer process, or to learn more about transfer.
Elizabeth Cole
(606) 886-7352
To Transfer from BCTC contact:
Becky Critchfield
(859) 246-4623
Anna Hatton
Student Success Coach
Bluegrass Transfer Information
To Transfer to BCTC contact:
Visit admissions website
Call: (859) 246-6240
Saundra Kimberlain
(270) 706-8695
Tammy Duff
Director, University Center of the Mountains
First Federal Center, Room 119K
Hazard Community and Technical College
1 Community College Dr.
Hazard, KY 41701
Phone: 606-487-3067 or
Toll Free: 1-800-246-7521 (ext. 73067)
Josh Baldwin
Academic Advisor/Transfer Coordinator
(270) 831-9828
Kanya Allen
Direcotr of Program Facilitation, Academic Success
(270) 707-3827
Mariah Aubuchon
(270) 824-1827
Marty Muenks
Transfer Coordinator
MJ Mayo
Transfer Coordinator/Advisor
Korey W. Bruck, Ph.D.
Harold Rogers Students Commons - Room 210
(606) 451-6730