Staff Resources for Student Veteran Support
PD for Veterans Services Staff
In an effort to increase awareness of military culture, knowledge of the transition from the military to college, and best practices for supporting student veterans, KCTCS created a professional development opportunity for all military and veterans services staff at our 16 colleges. This workshop is designed to address gaps in support services provided to this population.
Workshop Design
A mixture of experienced staff and staff completely new to veterans services made up our participants. They worked in small groups to analyze student veteran case studies and determine the best methods of providing services. Participants also collaborated on the Know Your Campus Resources template to establish a veteran support network of faculty and staff at their colleges.
We polled staff about their workshop experiences after they returned to their offices. Responses indicated participants felt the training was of high quality. Many participants also felt they had learned something new and could apply what they learned to their work. Everyone felt that is was a great networking opportunity.
Resources Available for Download
If you use any of this material, we ask for attribution (see Creative Commons). Otherwise, all materials are fully intended to be customized for your own use. Questions should be directed to Dr. Leah Simpson, Executive Director of Online Learning.