Title IX Procedures
It is the current policy of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) to maintain an environment that is free of discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation. Sexual harassment is an assault on a person’s privacy and integrity. It can cause poor academic performance, physical illness, fear of reprisal, anxiety, and loss of self-confidence. Sexual harassment also can affect those exposed to the situation, causing conflict in the classroom or workplace, a decline in morale, and a loss of respect for the responsible party. Information concerning an allegation of sexual harassment will be handled in a confidential manner insofar as possible.
To comply with federal law and to safeguard our students and employees, KCTCS is enacting new policies and procedures governing KCTCS’ prohibition of sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. These new policies and procedures address the legal definition of those terms, the definition of consent, safe and positive options for bystander intervention, information on risk reduction, and policies and procedures should an incident of sexual misconduct occur.
Through enforcement of policy and by education of students, employees and volunteers, KCTCS seeks to prevent, correct, and discipline behavior that violates our current and new policies.
Find Your College's Title IX Coordinator
- Ashland Community & Technical College
- Big Sandy Community and Technical College
- Bluegrass Community & Technical College
- Elizabethtown Community & Technical College
- Gateway Community & Technical College
- Hazard Community & Technical College
- Henderson Community College
- Hopkinsville Community College
- Jefferson Community & Technical College
- Madisonville Community College
- Maysville Community & Technical College
- Owensboro Community & Technical College
- Somerset Community College
- Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
- Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College
- West Kentucky Community & Technical College