
KCTCS spring enrollment up 7% with big gains in credential-seeking, workforce and adult students

More and more students across all student classifications are enrolling in one of the 16 colleges of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, according to the KCTCS Spring 2025 enrollment report presented at the board of regents meeting.

Continuing an upward trend, the overall headcount this spring is 71,849 students, up 4,748, a 7.1% increase compared to just one year ago. Full-time equivalent enrollment increased by 3,120 students or 8.3%.

Credential-seeking students increased 14.1%, workforce and nondegree students grew 9.0%, and high school students increased 0.5%.

“These enrollment increases are great news not only KCTCS, but for the future of Kentucky’s workforce and our state and regional economies,” said KCTCS President Ryan Quarles. “I extend my thanks to our students for choosing KCTCS, and to our faculty, staff, marketing teams and recruiters for their efforts to drive these exceptional enrollment gains.”

Other highlights include:

  • Adults, or nontraditional students ages 25 and over, increased 9.8% from the same time last year, accounting for 30.5% of total enrollment.

  • A total of 14 KCTCS colleges reported an increase in headcount compared to last year, with the most significant gains occurring at Henderson at 17.2%, Gateway at 13.9%, Somerset with 13.8%, and Hazard at 10%.

  • All colleges experienced growth in full-time equivalent enrollment with Henderson, Gateway, Hopkinsville, Somerset and Southcentral all showing increases of 10% or more over the prior year.

  • Eleven colleges exceeded their official enrollment total from last year. These colleges include Ashland, Bluegrass, Gateway, Hazard, Henderson, Hopkinsville, Jefferson, Maysville, Owensboro, Somerset and Southcentral.

In action items, the regents:

  • Ratified KCTCS candidates for credentials, which included 4,272 candidates for a total of 5,664 credentials earned between Sept. 28 to Jan. 3.

  • Approved a $3 million project to upgrade the HVAC and equipment controls for Big Sandy Community and Technical College at the Mayo, Prestonsburg and Hager Hill campuses. The equipment has reached its life expectancy.

  • Accepted proposed changes to the audit committee charter as recommended by Dean Dorton to align to industry changes in best practices.

  • Approved setting aside a 3.25% budget reserve for next fiscal year.

  • Approved a resolution that will memorialize KCTCS’ election to issue bonds and authorize staff to promulgate the necessary administrative regulation.

  • Ratified personnel actions.

  • Revised the board procedure for the election of student regents to move elections to the spring so members can participate in educational opportunities offered by the Council on Postsecondary Education alongside their fellow regents from other colleges and universities across Kentucky.

  • Approved a revised naming policy to provide more flexibility for campuses to name buildings in recognition of major gifts.

The board heard a variety of reports, including the chair’s report, president’s report, security master plan, forensic audit, financial, audit committee, tuition, budget scenarios for employee compensation, update on credentials and approvals, strategic planning, philanthropy, workforce and economic development, bylaw revisions and board voting procedures, online learning and a legislative report.

The board also met in executive session to discuss proposed or pending litigation.

The next meeting of the regents will be June 12-13 at Elizabethtown Community and Technical College.

Meeting materials are available on the KCTCS website.