KCTCS college earns top national award for bridging skills gap
From a field of 30 national finalists with 88 entries overall, Madisonville Community College won a national award for tackling a pressing workforce need to bridge the skills gap and drive economic growth.
The college won the 2025 Bellwether Award competition in the workforce category, sponsored by the Bellwether College Consortium. The Bellwether Awards are among community colleges' most competitive and prestigious national honors, recognizing innovative and impactful programs that drive student success and economic growth.
Along with community partners, the college converted an administrative building at the former Dotiki Mine Portal in Webster County into the Lisman Workforce Complex, a training center for in-demand technical careers.
Facing a regional shortage of local utility line workers and those with commercial driver’s license certification (CDL), the college increased the cohort size for both programs and targeted displaced coal workers when classes began at the complex in 2022. A new sought-after diesel technology program followed soon after.
Partners include the Webster County Fiscal Court, Webster County Judge Executive Steve Henry and the Green River Area Development District.
KCTCS President Ryan Quarles commended the partners for responding to the area's workforce shortages.
“Congratulations to Madisonville Community College President Cindy Kelley, her exceptional team and the dedicated community partners for pooling resources to help more local workers become career-ready and move quickly into the workforce to fill critical shortages,” said Quarles.
Efforts are paying off. Enrollment continues to grow at the site, with a 68% increase in the utility line technician program since 2019. Graduates from the Lisman Workforce Complex achieve over a 93% placement rate in their professions within six months of completion.
Bellwether also recognized a second MCC project aimed at bridging gaps in skilled trades as a finalist in the instructional programs & services category.
Rose Martinez, Ph.D., director for the Bellwether College Consortium, said, “These highly impactful programs were successful in providing workforce readiness and economic mobility to underserved and distressed economic regions. They serve as beacons for students seeking a path to financial success and stability.”
For more information about the college’s workforce programs, visit the website.