
KCTCS to review system to ensure alignment with commitment to success for all students

Published on Sep 13, 2024

The Kentucky Community and Technical College System is a higher education institution for all Kentuckians.

Since its founding in 1997, KCTCS has been a dedicated open-door, open-access institution, assisting anyone who aims to enhance their life through postsecondary education. KCTCS is committed to the most foundational element of our mission: access to education for all.

KCTCS is the most diverse institution in the state. We welcome students from urban and rural communities across our commonwealth and from across the globe. Our students arrive on our campuses from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Some are military veterans or first-generation college students;others are in recovery or in our criminal justice system. Many come from a broad range of family incomes and have a variety of ability levels. Most have jobs; many are working parents. We serve valedictorians and those who need a fresh start in life. This wide spectrum requires the KCTCS colleges to meet each student where they are, celebrate their strengths, help them overcome barriers, and inspire each student to improve their lives and the lives of their future generations.

Providing accessible education and workforce training for all has a positive impact on our local communities and economies as well. KCTCS contributes to a more skilled and educated workforce, which drives economic development.

In the coming weeks, KCTCS will be reviewing our system to ensure all programs, offices, and goals align with our commitment to success for all students. KCTCS is dedicated to inclusivity and maintaining an environment that is free of discrimination—where all people are treated equal. We are reaffirming our focus on the success of all students.

Our community and technical colleges promote lifelong learning and personal development, embodying a commitment to inclusivity and educational opportunity for all, regardless of their starting point in life. We value each member of our KCTCS community and will continue to invest in their futures. KCTCS remains committed to helping all Kentuckians achieve their academic and career goals to better the future of our commonwealth.