Helping you balance family and college for a better life.

student parent sitting with daughter

Request Information

Earn while you learn.

Ready to Work is funded by the Cabinet for Health & Family Services to assist low income parents who want to complete a college degree.

We can help if you receive KTAP benefits and:

  • Need to complete a GED or high school degree
  • Are enrolled in SkillsU or a KCTCS college
  • Owe a bill or have a loan in default

Benefits That Support Your Life

This program can offer you both on campus and off campus work through a work-study program. The income won't reduce your KTAP benefits and prepares you for the workplace in your field of study.

In addition to work-study, our staff can provide Employment skills training and assist you in accessing transportation assistance, day care, work clothes, and uniforms.


Never Underestimate You!


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