Over 1 million lives impacted
KCTCS provides accessible education and workforce training across Kentucky, empowering students and strengthening communities by fostering economic growth and preparing Kentuckians for high-demand careers.
In their own words: hear how KCTCS students are transforming their lives! From the benefits of small class sizes to affordable tuition and invaluable support services, our students share firsthand how KCTCS helped them achieve their goals and build a brighter future. Watch their stories now!
With 16 colleges and more than 70 campuses across the Commonwealth, KCTCS is strategically
located within a 30-45 minute drive for every Kentuckian. Our accessible network ensures
that high-quality education and training opportunities are close to home, empowering
individuals to build brighter futures right in their own communities.
Quick Facts
Enrollment: 101,127
High school students enrolled in dual   enrollment/dual-credit courses:
Students enrolled in one or more online courses: 64,150
Part-time students: 68%
Full-time students: 32%
Female: 57%
Male: 42%
Students receiving financial aid (2022-23): 81%
Total financial aid awarded (2022-23): $334,071,456
High-Wage, High-Demand Programs
Credentials Awarded
Academic Programs
Number of Businesses Served
Company Workers Trained & Assessed
Economic Impact Study conducted by Lightcast in January 2024. Results of the analysis
reflect Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 and includes all 16 of the colleges in the Kentucky
Community and Technical College System.
KCTCS serves all of the counties in Kentucky 
$3.9 billion added income or 54,061 jobs supported
$6.8 million added income or 148 jobs supported
1 out of every 49 jobs in Kentucky is supported by activities of the colleges and their students
Impact of the incresed earnings of KCTCS alumni and the businesses they work for
$3.6 billion added income
An economic boost similar to hosting the Super Bowl 10x or 6,724 jobs supported
Impact of annual payroll and other spending
$241.8 million added income enough to buy 5,136 new cars or 6,724
Impact of the daily spending of KCTCS students attracted to or retained in the state
Enough to buy 3,854 families a year's worth of groceries or 325 jobs supported
For evey $1...
Students gain $6.50 in lifetime earnings
The average associate degree graduate from KCTCS will see an increase in earnings of $9,900 each year compared to someone with high school diploma working in Kentucky
Taxpayers gain $2.30 in added tax revenue and public sector savings
Society gains $9.20 in added income and social savings