What is Handshake
Handshake is the nation’s #1 college-to-career network and student-centered jobs board in the country.
- Connect with over 6,400 Kentucky employers (and counting!)
- Discover and land jobs and internships
- Access career resources and events on campus
- Connect and message directly with employers
- Get job recommendations based on your interests
What sets Handshake apart from other job sites like Indeed and LinkedIn?
Handshake is geared toward college students! Opportunities will be more relevant for students exploring their career interests. Also, KCTCS partners directly with Handshake, meaning we can use Handshake not only for job postings but also for career events, internships, advising appointments, and more—to help guide students through a better experience.
How Do Students Access Handshake?
- KCTCS Mobile App
- My Path Tile
- Blackboard