Kentucky State University
Kentucky State University (KSU) is excited to partner with Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS) to offer several pathways for students to transfer to a specific program at KSU on their journey to complete a four-year degree. Additional pathways are in development, please check back often or reach out to KSU to discuss transfer credits outside of the pathways listed below.
KCTCS students can also request an unofficial program evaluation of their previous, current, and future KCTCS coursework to provide them with a customized path to their KSU degree.
Admission Requirements to KSU
KCTCS students are eligible for admission with junior standing to KSU provided they submit a completed application and have earned an associate degree from KCTCS or have a minimum of 60 credits with a 2.0 or higher GPA.
Degree Requirements for KSU
To earn a degree from KSU, students must satisfy both specific academic program and University course requirements. In addition, they must maintain good academic standing (GPA of 2.0 or better) as defined in the University’s Academic Regulations and Policies.
Students who maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.2 are awarded the baccalaureate degree cum laude. Students who maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.5 and who have received no grade of “D” or “F” are awarded the baccalaureate degree magna cum laude. Finally, students who maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.8 and who have received no grades of “D” or “F” are awarded the baccalaureate degree summa cum laude. Graduation honors are awarded only to those students who have earned at least 64 semester credit hours at Kentucky State University.
General Transfer Information
Students must complete an online application to KSU. There is no application fee for students who are transferring from a KCTCS institution. For more information, visit KSU’s Transfer Students page.
Transfer Scholarships
Kentucky State University designed the Academic Scholarship Program to recognize and reward students who demonstrate academic excellence. The Admissions Office awards scholarships to incoming students who have not completed a bachelor’s degree program. Admissions awards renewable scholarships on a competitive basis. To learn more, visit KSU’s Scholarship Program Page.
Additional pathways are in development. Please check back often or reach out to KSU to discuss transfer credits outside of the pathways listed below.
School of Agriculture, Communities and the Environment:
- Aquaculture
- Agriculture, Food, and Environment--Agricultural Systems
- Agriculture, Food, and Environment--Business/Marketing
- Agriculture, Food, and Environment--Environmental Systems Track
- Agriculture, Food, and Environment--Food and Nutrition Track
- Childhood Development and Family Relations
School of Behavioral and Social Sciences:
School of Business:
- Business Administration Management Track
- Business Administration Finance Track
- Business Administration Accounting Track
- Business Administration Supply Chain Track
- Business Administration Management Information Systems Track
- Business Administration General Business Track
- Business Administration Marketing Track
School of Criminal Justice and Political Science:
School of Education, Human Development and Consumer Science:
- Biology Education
- Elementary Education
- Elementary Education Option 9
- English Education
- Mathematics Education
- Physical Education Exercise Science
- Physical Education Teaching Certification
- Physical Education Sports Management
- Social Studies Education