Rules of the Senate

4.0 Student Appeals and Responsibilities

(Administrative Policy 6.0P Student Grievances and Appeals)

4.1 Student Responsibilities

  • 4.1.1 Responsibility Involving Academic Rights of Students (section 2.0)
    • When a student believes his/her academic rights have been violated, the student shall follow the procedures outlined in Administrative Policy 6.0P, 3.2 (A-C).
  • 4.1.2 Responsibility Involving Academic Offenses (section 3.0) (Deleted 2022-2023)

4.2 Student Rights During the Appeals Process (Academic Rights/Academic Offenses)

Student rights during the appeals process are located in Administrative Policy 6.0-P, 3.2 (D-F)

In cases of academic rights and academic offenses, the student shall have the right of class attendance and participation during the consideration of any appeal except that such attendance and participation may be limited when:

  1. outside agencies are used as a part of the student’s educational experience, in which case precedence will be given to the terms of any agreement(s), which have been negotiated between the college and the agency; or

  2. patient/client contact is involved in the student’s educational experience, in which case only patient/client contact may be limited or excluded at the discretion of program faculty.

    If the appeal is decided in the student’s favor, the college must provide an opportunity for the student to complete any essential experiences missed due to the appeals process.

    In an appeal of a grade after the class has been completed, the College Appeals
    Board (CAB) can only change the to a P or a W.