1.9. Award of CPL via Local Memorandum of Agreement
1.9.1. Purpose
KCTCS awards academic credit via college-approved Local Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) with a for-profit, non-profit, or governmental institution which leads to mastery of course competencies.
1.9.2. Definition
Credit for Prior Learning Local Memorandums of Agreement-An official agreement between a KCTCS institution and a for-profit, non-profit, or governmental institution which allows for the awarding of academic credit via mastery of course competencies through experiential learning experiences. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) via Local MOAs cannot supplant High School Articulation Agreements or transfer course work policies.
While MOAs may be tailored to meet the needs of the individual college and an approved
third party, MOAs must include the following elements: classes and associated credit
hours, the length of the agreement, validation requirements, fees or lack thereof,
responsibilities of the individual college, and responsibilities of the third party.
CPL via local MOAs will be maintained on a system-wide reciprocity site.
1.9.3. Role of Faculty and Associated Procedures
Individual colleges may award academic credit via experiential learning experience when a student completes conditions outlined in approved MOAs. Appropriate program-or discipline-specific faculty and the institution’s chief academic officer should be involved in the development and approval of MOAs. An individual college may award direct course equivalency, general education elective, or technical elective credit as part of CPL via MOAs. The institution’s chief academic officer should review all CPL MOAs on an annual basis to ensure fidelity of implementation.
1.9.4. Role of Administrative Staff and Associated Procedures
The college’s registrar coordinates the implementation of MOAs. The registrar’s office will transcribe appropriate academic credit once a student completes the requirements of the MOA. An individual college may charge CPL fee to the student as described in the approved MOA.
1.9.5. Role of the College President
Individual college presidents may enter into MOAs based on the recommendation of the institution’s chief academic officer and appropriate program-or discipline-specific faculty.