1.4. Award of CPL for High School Articulation
1.4.1. Purpose
College technical credit will be awarded to high school career and technical education (CTE) students who complete the requirements set forth in KCTCS articulation guides developed for the implementation of Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 164.2951(2)(o) which mandates statewide high school articulation.
1.4.2. Definition
High school articulation equates one or more KCTCS courses with (1) the successful completion of a program of study (often with a specific GPA across technical courses); (2) passing an end-of-program assessment and/or industry-recognized credential; (3) enrollment at a KCTCS college within a specific period; and (4) any additional requirements as determined by the KCTCS technical curriculum committee for the program. Specific standards are determined by the appropriate technical curriculum committee and documented in an articulation guide.
1.4.3. Role of Faculty and Associated Procedures
General processes have been established in part by the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for statewide high school articulation signed by the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), KCTCS, and the Kentucky Department of Education. Technical curriculum committees shall establish criteria for high school articulation when a combination of program completion plus satisfactory completion of end-of-program assessment is determined as equivalent to college-level coursework. Program coordinators or their designee will verify that a student has met all necessary criteria for high school articulation, namely, satisfactory completion of their CTE program of study, submission of necessary documentation, successful completion of the required end-of-program assessment, and enrollment at their home college within the required period.
1.4.4. Role of Administrative Staff and Associated Procedures
The registrar’s staff will be informed that all requirements have been met and the student will receive the appropriate college credit on their transcript. High school articulated credit does not count towards residency requirements.