Rules of the Senate

1.2. Approval of Credit for Prior Learning Equivalencies

Most CPL equivalencies to KCTCS courses or technical and/or general education electives will be proposed by the appropriate systemwide curriculum committee by majority vote. Exceptions to this process include Special Examinations, Prior Learning Portfolios, and Local Memorandum of Agreement.

1.2.1. Curriculum committees will propose CPL equivalencies to the Rules Committee of the Faculty Senate in accordance with Section I 2.3 of the Senate Rules.

1.2.2. The Rules Committee will endorse or return the CPL proposal. If the Rules Committee endorses the curriculum committee’s proposal for CPL equivalency, it will be submitted to the Senate Council for recommendation or return. If the Rules Committee returns the curriculum committee’s proposal for CPL equivalency, the curriculum committee may make revisions and resubmit.

1.2.3. If the Senate Council recommends the CPL equivalency proposal, it will go to the Chancellor for approval or return. If the Senate Council returns the CPL equivalency recommendation, it will be returned to the curriculum committee, which may make revisions and resubmit.

1.2.4. The Chancellor will approve CPL equivalencies in accordance with administrative policy.

1.2.5. Once CPL equivalencies are approved, they will be implemented in PeopleSoft no more than six weeks after they have been recommended by Senate Council.