3.0.1 The Marking System
Results of work will be recorded as follows:
- A: Represents exceptionally high achievement. It is valued at four (4) grade points for each credit hour in non-remedial and non-developmental courses.
- AU: Audit. It has no value in computing the grade point average.
- B: Represents high achievement. It is valued at three (3) grade points for each credit hour in non-remedial and non-developmental courses.
- C: Represents satisfactory achievement. It is valued at two (2) grade points for each credit hour in non-remedial and non-developmental courses.
- D: Represents the minimum achievement for credit. It is valued at one (1) grade point for each credit hour in non-remedial and non-developmental courses.
- E: Represents unsatisfactory achievement and indicates failure in the course. It is valued at zero (0) grade points for each credit hour in non- remedial and non-developmental courses. Credit may only be obtained by repeating the entire course. (See V, 1.12)
- F: Represents an unsatisfactory grade in a course taken on a Pass-Fail basis. The student who receives a grade "F" in a course shall not be able to continue into the next sequential course(s) unless the student meets the requirements for entry into the course by some other means. It has no value in computing the grade point average. Credit may only be obtained by repeating the entire course.
- I: Incomplete - Means that part of the coursework remains unfinished. It shall be
given only when there is a reasonable possibility that a passing grade will result
from completion of the work. The instructor shall not give an "I" grade when the reason
for incompleteness is unsatisfactory.
The instructor and student will contract requirements for completion of course with the time limit for completion not to exceed a maximum of one (1) year; failure to do so will result in a change of grade from "I" to an "E".
Each college shall maintain a record of incomplete grades recorded in courses of that college. This record, completed by the instructor at the time the grade “I” is reported, shall include: (1) the name and number of the student; (2) the course number and hours of credit; (3) semester or session and year of enrollment; (4) signature of the instructor; (5) a brief statement of the reason(s) for recording the incomplete grade; and (6) an adequate guide for removal of the incomplete grade. In the instructor’s absence, the division chairperson (or designee) shall forward to the president (or designee) the appropriate letter grade to replace the incomplete grade. - IP: In Progress - Represents enrollment in a course for which there is no expectation the work will be completed during the assigned term. (i.e. a course whose end dates exceeds the end date of the standard term). The notation will be assigned at the end of the enrollment term to indicate the course work continues and will be completed in the next term. Students will only be enrolled in one (1) term even if the course continues beyond that term. When final grades are reported, the “IP” notation will be replaced with the final grade.
- MP: The grade of "MP" (Making Progress) may be assigned only for developmental courses
and means that the student has made significant progress but needs and deserves more
time to achieve a passing grade. The student should re-enroll in the course in order
to continue advancement to the level of competence set for the course. Grades may
be earned following re-enrollment for developmental courses.
The grade "MP" has no value in computing grade point average. - P: Represents a satisfactory grade in a course taken on a Pass-Fail basis. The student who receives a grade of "P" in a course shall be eligible to continue into the next sequential course(s). (See Section V, 3.21; Section V, 3.7). The grade of P may be assigned by the Community College/Technical College Appeals Board in cases involving a violation of student academic rights. It has no value in computing the grade point average (See Section VII, 2.4).
- W: Represents a withdrawal from a course without completing course requirements. A
"W" grade shall not be assigned unless the student has officially withdrawn in the
manner prescribed by the college.
A student may withdraw from a course up to and including the date of mid-term or mid-session at his/her discretion. The mid-term date for courses that meet for the entire semester is the official date listed in the college calendar. The official mid-term/mid-session date for courses that meet for less than the full semester shall be noted in the course syllabus.
At the discretion of the instructor, a "W" grade may be assigned after the mid-term date, and through the last class day of the semester or session. The course syllabus will note the conditions under which a faculty will assign a "W" grade during this faculty discretionary period. (See Section VII, 2.2). An instructor shall not assign a "W" grade unless the student has officially withdrawn in the manner prescribed by the college.
The College Appeals Board may assign the grade of "W" in cases involving a violation of student academic rights (See Section VII, 7.0). In cases involving a violation of student Academic Offenses, the Board may assign a grade of "W" if the instructor refuses to accept a recommendation of the Appeals Board with respect to an appropriate sanction (See Section VII, 6.2).
The following table summarizes the quantitative information for a three (3) credit course and the qualitative description for selected KCTCS grades.
Credits | Grade | Grade Points Earned | Quality Points Toward GPA | Qualitative Description for KCTCS Grades | Formula to Compute GPA |
3 | A | 4 | 12 (3x4) | Exceptionally high achievement | Total Quality Points / Total Credits Attempt |
3 | B | 3 | 9 (3x3) | High achievement | |
3 | C | 2 | 6 (3x2) | Satisfactory achievement | |
3 | D | 1 | 3 (3x1) | Minimum achievement | |
3 | E | 0 | 0 (3x0) | Unsatisfactory achievement | |
3 | F | - | These grades have | Failure (P/F grading option only) | |
3 | P | - | no value in computing the GPA | Satisfactory (P/F grading option only) | |
3 | W | - | |||
I | - | ||||
Audit | - |