Section IV

3.11 Respiratory Care Program

3.11.1 System Guidelines

Enrollment in the Respiratory Care Program may be limited because of available facilities within the community and the college.

  • Technical Standards
    • The respiratory therapist specializes in the application of scientific knowledge and theory to practical clinical problems of respiratory care as outlined in a description of the occupation found in the guidelines and essentials of the accredited educational program for the respiratory therapist. Therefore, in order to be successful in the program, a candidate should possess:
      1. sufficient tactile and visual acuity, such as is needed in the accurate monitoring of life support systems and for the observation necessary for patient assessment;
      2. sufficient auditory perception to receive verbal communication from patients and members of the health care team to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices such as cardiac monitors, stethoscopes, ventilators and various audible alarms, etc.;
      3. sufficient gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement respiratory therapy skills including the manipulation of equipment to meet health needs;
      4. sufficient communication skills (verbal, non-verbal, and written) to interact with individuals and to communicate their needs promptly and effectively; and
      5. sufficient intellectual and emotional functions to plan and implement respiratory care.
    • The president of the college or the president’s designee will select students for the Respiratory Care Program after considering the recommendations of the Respiratory Care Admissions Committee. Membership may include:
      • Respiratory Care Program Director
      • Admissions Officer
      • Faculty Member at Large
      • General Studies Faculty Member
      • Respiratory Care Faculty Member
    • As well as attend a pre-admission conference, each applicant must submit the following credentials in order to be considered for admission by the committee:
      1. Application for admission, to the college, according to established KCTCS, and college guidelines;
      2. Letter of application to the program, submitted to the Program Director;
      3. Official transcripts of previous postsecondary education; and
      4. Have completed BIO 137, MAT 110 or MAT 146 or MAT 150, and ENG 101 with a grade of “C” or better.
    • Should it become necessary to limit enrollment in the Respiratory Care Program, the System Guidelines will be followed and preference may be given to applicants:
      1. who have completed 12 or more credit hours of college work with a GPA of 2.5 or better;
      2. who have completed each biological science requirements with a grade of B or above.
  • Progression in the Program
    • Students must make a “C” or better in all respiratory care courses and general education courses that are pre-requisites to a respiratory care course to progress through the program.

      Students must continue to meet the Technical Standards to continue in the program. If at any time during the program, it is documented that a student no longer meets the Technical Standards, they will not be permitted to continue in the program.
  • Readmission
    • Readmission to the Respiratory Care Program will be dependent upon available resources.

      To be considered for readmission, the applicant will:
      1. complete an application for readmission by the program deadline established at each college;
      2. submit a written request to the program director presenting sufficient evidence of remedial study, additional preparation, or resolution of factors contributing to unsuccessful course completion, justify readmission; and
      3. meet current admission guidelines as well as any pre-requisites for the semester which they are applying.
    • A student may be readmitted to the Respiratory Care program twice.

      If more than two (2) years have elapsed since initial enrollment in the program, the applicant must successfully complete available comprehensive Respiratory Care examinations or repeat the course(s).

      If one (1) year or more has elapsed since her/his last formal clinical practice, a student must successfully demonstrate competency, or enroll in the appropriate Respiratory Care clinical component(s).

3.11.2 College Guidelines

  • Bluegrass Community and Technical College
    • Enrollment in the Respiratory Care Program may be limited due to availability of facilities, faculty, and/or resources.

      The Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) Guidelines for Admission will be observed with the following qualifications.
    • Admissions Committee Membership
      • Selection of students for the Respiratory Care Program will be made by the President of Bluegrass Community and Technical College or the President’s designee after considering the recommendations of the Admissions Committee. Membership of this Committee will be as follows:
        1. Respiratory Care Program Coordinator
        2. Director of Admissions
        3. Allied Health Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
        4. Faculty Member at Large
        5. Respiratory Care Faculty Member
    • Admissions Guidelines
      • Before the published deadline (obtained from program coordinator or admissions office), all individuals who want to be considered for admission to the respiratory care program must:
        1. be eligible for regular college admission status. Individuals enrolled or admitted on academic probation are not eligible to be candidates to the respiratory care program until the academic probation is cleared;
        2. submit results of American College Test (ACT) or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) if less than 12 credits of college work have been completed. The college courses must be numbered 100 or higher excluding remedial courses;
        3. document observation and/or work experience pertaining to respiratory care; and
        4. attend a pre-admission conference.
    • Preference may be given to:
      1. individuals with a 2.5 GPA or better on a 4.0 scale on all college work consisting of at least 12 semester credit hours in non-remedial courses numbered 100 or above in the approved curriculum;
      2. individuals with an ACT composite score of 19 or above (or equivalent SAT score);
      3. individuals who have completed the program-required biological science courses with a grade of “B” or better;
      4. individuals who document work-related experience in the healthcare setting; and
      5. Kentucky residents.
    • Retention and Progress in the Program
      1. An individual must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in the program- required mathematics and the human anatomy and physiology courses in the curriculum in order to enroll or to remain enrolled in the program.
      2. An individual who withdraws from or earns lower than a grade of ‘C’ in any respiratory care program course will not be permitted to continue in the program.
      3. An individual who does not meet the Technical Standards of the program will not be permitted to continue.
  • Jefferson Community and Technical College
    • The System Guidelines will be followed with the following additional preference:
      • Preference may be given to applicants who are veterans, active duty personnel, their spouses, and also displaced workers who qualify under the Trade Adjustment Act.
  • Madisonville Community College
    • Admission in the Respiratory Care program may be limited due to availability of faculty, facilities, and/or resources
    • Technical Standards
      1. Critical thinking skills sufficient to make clinical judgements related to the assessment of patients’ physical and psychosocial needs in a variety of clinical settings by utilizing interpretation of written, verbal and sensory observations to determine appropriate therapies for patient care.
      2. Problem solving skills appropriate to adjust therapeutic interventions in response to patient needs in a variety of settings.
      3. Interpersonal skills sufficient to allow appropriate interaction with individuals and groups from a variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds; such as interacting with patients, families, co-workers to create and maintain professional relationships.
      4. Written and verbal communication that is appropriate to create clear and concise dialogue in a clinical setting.
      5. Physical abilities appropriate to maneuver in small spaces while maneuvering equipment.
      6. Gross and fine motor skills appropriate to perform patient care procedures to national standards which include safety and efficiency. This includes manipulating machine controls, occasionally crouching, squatting, bending, and performing invasive patient procedures.
      7. Appropriate physical strength and endurance to be able to access patients as well as perform therapies on patients for extended periods of time. This may include transporting patients and equipment within a facility, standing or being mobile for 6 or more hours, constant standing and walking, lifting up to 20 pounds.
      8. Auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health care needs of patients. This may include hearing monitors and alarms, voices with background noise and through protective equipment and calls for help.
      9. Tactile ability appropriate for assessment of physical health conditions.
      10. Ability to deal effectively with stressful situations and maintain professional and positive interactions with others.
    • Admission Guidelines
      • The Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)
        Guidelines for Admission will be observed with the following qualifications.
        1. Have a cumulative G.P. A. of 2.0 or higher.
        2. Have completed MAT 150 or MAT 146, BIO 137 and ENG 101 with a grade of “C” or better.
        3. Have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours of the general education classes required for the Respiratory Care program.
        4. Have a G.P.A of 2.5 in general education classes required for the Respiratory Care program.
        5. Provide documentation supporting student success in distant education courses to the Program Director, if applying for distance education placement within the program.
      • Preference may be given to applicants who have:
        1. a GPA greater than 2.5 in general education coursework required for the Respiratory Care program;
        2. a Cumulative GPA greater than 2.5,
        3. completed all general education coursework associated with the Respiratory Care program;
        4. made a “B” or higher in program required mathematics and human anatomy and physiology courses;
        5. successfully completed program required general education coursework on the first attempt of each course; and
        6. completed a minimum of 4 hours of observation of a Respiratory Therapist.
      • Retention and Progress in the Program
        1. Students who withdraw from a respiratory care course or make less than a “C” in a respiratory care course will not be permitted to continue in the program.
        2. Students who do not meet the Technical Standards of the program will not be permitted to continue in the program.
        3. Students who do not meet clinical requirements for the program will not be permitted to continue in the program.