Section IV Maysville Community and Technical College

The System Guidelines for admission will be followed except that:

  1. Applicants to the Nursing Program must have a cumulative Nursing curriculum GPA of 2.5 or greater and must complete the pre-requisite courses with a grade of ā€œCā€ or better on their official transcript and be active on the Kentucky Nurse Aide Registry by the deadline indicated in the application packet.
  2. An applicant must complete the following prerequisites or equivalent courses transferred from another college, with a grade of C or above: BIO 137 and BIO 139 must be completed within five (5) years of the first day of NSG 101
  3. An applicant must be in good academic standing with the College.
  4. Results of the ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) or other nationally normed admission examination, must be taken within three years of anticipated admission. Selection of the examination used will be selected by the faculty. Applicants are permitted to retake the TEAS exam one time in an admission cycle. Applicants will be required to meet the required minimum score to be considered for the program.
  5. Acceptance into the program will be based on rank order. All applicants not selected in the first round may be placed on an alternate list. Alternates will be notified for admission if positions become available prior to the start of the first semester classes. A new applicant and alternate list is started each application period; names do not move forward.