2.4 Officers
The following are the officers of the KCTCS Senate with descriptions of their functions:
2.4.1 Chair
The Chair shall be elected by the majority of the voting members present at the August KCTCS Council meeting. The Chair serves as Chair of the KCTCS Senate as well as chair of the KCTCS Council. In addition, the duties of the Chair shall be as follows:
- to chair meetings of the KCTCS Senate and of the KCTCS Council;
- to prepare the agenda of the KCTCS Council meetings;
- to be a member, ex officio, of all KCTCS Senate committees;
- to deliver the report of the KCTCS Council at meetings of the KCTCS Senate; and
- to meet all other responsibilities and obligations as are incidental to the office.
2.4.2 Vice Chair of the KCTCS Senate
The Vice Chair shall be elected by the majority of the voting members present at the August KCTCS Council meeting. The Vice Chair shall serve as the agent of the Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair. In addition, the Vice-Chair shall meet all other responsibilities and obligations as may be delegated by the Chair or as are otherwise incidental to the office of Vice Chair.
2.4.3 Secretary of the KCTCS Senate
The Provost and Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs’s appointee shall be the Secretary of the KCTCS Senate. The function of the secretary shall be as follows:
- to maintain a current list of senators, council, and committee memberships;
- to distribute electronically notices of regular KCTCS Senate meetings at least eighteen (18) calendar days prior to meetings with agenda and recommendations for KCTCS Senate action to all members of the KCTCS Senate, and of special meetings as directed;
- to keep minutes of the KCTCS Senate meetings and to electronically circulate the minutes to all members;
- to maintain a record of additions to or modifications of the KCTCS Senate Rules between periodic revisions and distribute copies of the revised Rules to members of the KCTCS Senate at least annually;
- to maintain a record of additions, deletions, or modification of all course/curricular materials; and
- to maintain a file of individual “Rules of the Faculty” for each Each college will submit its Rules to the Secretary of the KCTCS Senate.