Career Pathways
Career Pathways refers to a series of educational programs and services designed to prepare high school students and adults for employment and advancement in targeted jobs of importance in local communities. Types of industries included in KCTCS Career Pathway initiatives include:
- Business
- Information Technology
- Manufacturing and Industrial Technology
- Healthcare/Nursing and Allied Health
- Natural Resources/Energy
The goal of Career Pathways is to link academic credits and credentials with a seamless system of career exploration and preparation, and skill upgrades, and to provide multiple entry and exit points spanning secondary, postsecondary, adult and workplace education.
Career Pathways are developed, implemented, and maintained through partnerships among secondary and postsecondary education, and employer partners. Career Pathways are available to all students interested in the designated employer sector, including adult learners. Because Career Pathways are designed to lead to rewarding careers in critical areas of importance in local communities, focus on specific industries may vary from one community to the next.
Career Pathways include rigorous academic and career courses beginning in high school and leading to an associate's degree and/or industry-recognized certificate or licensure, and/or a baccalaureate degree and beyond. Career Pathways connect the academic and career courses with support services that enable students to combine school and work and advance over time to better jobs and higher levels of education and training.